Kentwood Lane
This tract is located in Union Township, Wilkes County, North Carolina
Lat/Long: 36.303869 / -81.256250
266.8± acres in northern Wilkes County. The main access to the property is by Kentwood Lane, a 50 foot right of way, off of Mertie Road. The property joins Vannoy Road and there is a right of way and ford that allows access to the northwestern part of the property. This access is 4x4 only.
There are a number of small creeks on the property and the North Fork of the Reddies River touches the northwestern portion of the property. The Reddies is a stocked trout stream. There are a number of woods roads and ATV trails that provide access through the property.
The timber on the property has been cut in sections through the years. Most of the area has been allowed to naturally regenerate in hardwood, but there are several sections of white pine plantation on the property. It has been 10 to 12 years since any timber harvesting has taken place.
From Millers Creek go north on NC Hwy 16, turn right onto Old Hwy 16 and go 2.2 miles. Turn right onto Vannoy Road and go 1.8 miles. Turn right onto Mertie Road and go 2.4 miles. Turn left onto Kentwood Lane and go the end of the road.
From North Wilkesboro go north on NC Hwy 18 and turn left onto Mertie Road. Go one mile on Mertie Road and turn right onto Kentwood Lane. Go to the end of Kentwood Lane and you will be on the property.
Uses: Hunting, ATV riding, trout fishing, timber production, camping.
Timber: No current timber inventory: there is a mix of white pine plantation and mixed hardwood.
Topography: The property is a typical mountain tract with several long, level ridges, and moderate to steeply sloping side slopes.
Survey: The property is a combination on several smaller tracts. Each individual tract has a modern survey.
Tax Parcel/Pin number:
Pin: 3933-29-7693
Parcel: 2000641
Book/Page: 1053/210
Property is in the Forestry Present Use tax program.
Price: $595,000
All information is assumed to be accurate and substantially correct but no assumptions of liability are intended. Neither the seller nor the agent or representatives warrant the completeness or accuracy of the information. Seller does not guarantee timber volumes, values, acreages (total, woodland/cropland, stand or otherwise), tree ages or the condition and/or function of any improvements, including but not limited to all buildings, machinery, appliances, wells, equipment, livestock, and ponds. No representatives or warranties are expressed or implied as to the property, its condition, boundaries or logging feasibility. Prospective buyers should satisfy themselves as to the accuracy of this information.